Just before the new year hit, our good friend and apostolic leader Steve Wilkins popped in for a visit and shared a word he had for the churches for 2025. "Thrive in '25". As we start out the new year we're turning our attention to the Lord and seeking what this means for the church. How do we live out "Thrive in 25" in our individual faith life, but also how do live that out as the church together? There is an excitement in the air, even as the world around us looks unstable and uncertain in many ways, God's promises are still true. We know he promises and abundant life for those who love and follow Jesus, so if you're ready to join us on the adventure this year, we will proceed to discover what God has for us.
We already know there are some important things in the works, some new initiatives with small group ministry, youth ministry and our increasing involvement in the community with Munro Academy, Souls Harbour and our neighbouring churches who are pursuing this same kingdom adventure in their own ways. We are excited to go where Jesus say go and do what Jesus says to do. So if you'll join us on the adventure, we'll adventure together in the Hope of Christ, the power of the Spirit and the Love of the Father.
Be Blessed and Begin your Thrive!!